Everyone who has done business with China knows how complicated it can be. There are literally thousands of details you have to get right if you want your order to go smoothly. For businesses that ship regularly from China, the time and stress required can make those shipments feel like a
Read Full ArticleIn maritime shipping, the term FOB is used to describe who is liable for damage to goods when it is in sea transit. In all apparency, the buyer is responsible for damage, and for some reasons. We’ve come up with this article to show you how FOB works in shipping as it has a lot more
Read Full ArticleHere, we will be talking about the difference between carriage paid to (CPT) and carriage and insurance paid (CIP). These are the two most widely used trade terms for sea transport. It is common that shipments of goods across national borders or over long distances are transported by sea
Read Full ArticleThe exportation business in Nigeria is a lucrative one. This is because the profit you are making from the business is in hard currency (dollars, pounds, or euros). In this post, we share with you 20 Products to export from Nigeria and make cool money from. The problem is that some people want
Read Full ArticleLet’s talk about the logistics behind shipping, shall we? International shipping can be a confusing and challenging process for small business owners—especially those who are responsible for dealing with all of the details. But you don’t have to worry! EXW, one of the most important
Read Full ArticleIt is very possible to move your loads (personal effects) out of Nigeria to another especially when you’re relocating to stay abroad, for work or on a study abroad mission. The question is, are you planning on shipping personal effects to Nigeria? Do you intend to send your loads to your
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